Our Blog

A New Journey Begins

A New Journey Begins

I'm excited to be accepted into the doctoral program at the College of Education, University of Hawai'i at Manoa. Our orientation yesterday had a synergy likened to the buzz on my island in Chuuk when a new outrigger sailing canoe is launched on a maiden voyage. I...

SHIP-HOOPS for Chuukese youth

SHIP-HOOPS for Chuukese youth

Project: SHIP - HOOPS Type: Nonprofit Location: Chuuk, FSM URL: www.ship-hoops.org This is a project that is near and dear to my heart as it supports the SHIP-HOOPS non-profit organization that was co-founded and led by the late Keitani Graham. Kei, as he was fondly...

Teach for Micronesia – Survey

Teach for Micronesia – Survey

Teach for Micronesia (TFM) is being developed as an independent, non-profit organization with the mission of ending education inequity in the Pacific Island nation of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM). Modeled after the highly successful Teach for America...

Chris Lang, MFT

Chris Lang, MFT

Project: Chris Lang, MFT Type: Business Location: Santa Cruz, CA URL: www.chrislangmft.com This website is for Chris Lang, MFT, a newly licensed marriage and family therapist in Santa Cruz, CA., who wanted a website to match her new private practice.  The design began...

Happiness Takes… Practice?

Happiness Takes… Practice?

The following is a reflection that someone recently shared on FB. I think it's worth re-posting here as it serves as a good reminder to us all that happiness is not something that magically happens to us.  According to Cindy Holbrook, happiness happens to people who...

Northwest Educators Set 10 Regional Priorities

Northwest Educators Set 10 Regional Priorities

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFDW7z8qMoI I've just returned from a week at Xavier High School in Chuuk, site of my first teaching years, to co-facilitate the Northwest Educators Summer Training (NEST) for over 70 public school teachers and principals and leaders...

We Know Our Problems, Now What?!

httpv://youtu.be/Q1eIYZjzO7A This video, Dare to Imagine, challenges us to re-imagine innovative ways to tackle global and local problems. It is also applicable to rethinking strategies for solving problems in education in Chuuk. The film was part of the Skoll World...

Help Wanted: Education Expert for Chuuk

Help Wanted: Education Expert for Chuuk

The news about educational reform in my fair state of Chuuk is not good. In fact, it's becoming alarmingly bad that it deserves drastic measures. If Chuuk's education is likened to the sinking of the Titanic, then the sequence of Chuukese headlines of that historic...

Hawaii Chuukese Leaders Unite over Social Issues

In a rare show of solidarity and ecumenical unity, a group of Chuukese Catholic, Protestant, and women leaders gathered this week at the Pacific Islander Student Center at the University of Hawaii at Hilo to discuss social issues and solutions unique to the Chuukese...

What Graduates Don’t Learn in Schools

Graduation season is upon us again. I'm struck with these life lessons which have been mistakenly attributed to Microsoft founder and billionaire Bill Gates. The original version first appeared on September 19, 1996 in an op ed piece in the San Diego Union Tribune by...

Dental Project – Chuuk Team 2008

[pe2-image src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/-izPFmiKYxfc/SZaz0EAQRyI/AAAAAAAAAs8/BVF4zNrkau0/s144-c-o/20080610-_DSC1814.jpg" href="https://picasaweb.google.com/110659725992682905279/MicronesianDentalSupportProject#5302623318284715810" caption="Dr. Mozayan and his health...